

To achieve personal high performance, as individuals, we must consider and address the interrelated and interdependent relationships of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. Similarly, high performance in an organization is also driven by a number of connected factors.

At Nuvision, we believe that organizational financial results are not drivers, but rather outcomes. True organizational health drivers arise from at least 12 interactive dynamics.

Identifying Drivers of Your Organization’s Health

If an organization does not assess and measure its health, it runs the risk of only temporarily being in, or perceive itself to being in, a state of high performance. It may not realize factors are at work which, if ignored, can cause an organization to decline into a state of status quo or potentially irreversible trouble.

By addressing your organizational health issues, you can initiate a realignment of your company — sending it successfully on a sustainable path to high performance. This process, though, is a continuous cycle.

Nuvision uses an Organizational Health Index (OHI) that measures and assesses the critical elements of organizational effectiveness leading to greater enterprise performance. With relevant measures for what may be regarded as “soft” issues, leaders are able to focus on behaviours that affect sustainable organizational performance.


Nuvision practice experts and your management team focus specifically on these OD areas:

  • Organization Health Index
  • Assessing Your Organization for High Performance